Below are some frequently asked questions about dental crowns that are answered by our dedicated team:
What is a dental crown?
Dr. Chong Lee describes the dental crown as a restoration made to cover a natural tooth to provide an extra layer of protection and prevent further damage on a weakened tooth. Teeth can become weak due to injuries, root canal procedures, or large, deep cavities that lose their structural integrity.
Why do I need a crown?
Dental crowns are commonly used for protection against breakage and to strengthen an otherwise weak or brittle tooth that might be at risk for damage.
What are dental crowns made of?
There are many different materials used to create dental crowns, including stainless steel, metal, ceramic, and resin. The most aesthetic option is the ceramic crown, as these mimic the appearance of natural tooth enamel for a natural look.
How much does a dental crown cost?
The cost of a dental crown depends on several factors, including the type of material used, the number of teeth requiring dental crowns, and whether or not the patient has dental insurance coverage. To determine the approximate cost of a treatment, it is best that patients schedule a consultation appointment and initial evaluation with Dr. Chong Lee to find out if they are a candidate for this or other restorative services.
Are you ready to book an appointment to learn more about dental crowns?
Contact Dr. Chong Lee of Galleria Dental Aesthetics to discuss your options. His practice is located in McLean, VA at 1600 Tysons Boulevard, Suite #120 and accepts new patients who call (703) 448-1020 for a consultation visit.